Worship – 9:30 a.m.    S.S. – 10:45 a.m.

Pastors – Mike & Karen Isaacs

Office (580) 259-6440

Mike (cell) 580-539-1004

Karen (cell) 580-539-1005





December 1, 2019


Welcome to this place of worship.  May you experience God’s loving

presence and power as we meet God in scripture, song, and prayer.




ADVENT  –  Candle of HOPE…………Matt & Abby Peters Family



*HYMN ……O Come All Ye Faithful…....……..…………….....MH 132

PRAISE & INSPIRATION – Saylor Parker and Jenny Epp


*HYMN  …It  Came Upon A Midnight Clear….....……….…...MH 126


SHARING OF TITHES - …………….………………. Trustee Funds


Prayer of Thanks



Sharing of Needs


*SONG – …Silent Night…………...……………………..…..……MH 130



MESSAGE ….Hope is a Dangerous Thing......….……...…Mike Isaacs

CLOSING SONG – …When Hope Came Down………….…...Screen

*BENEDICTION SONG –   ...Go, Tell It On The Mountain ...Screen

* Those comfortable standing please rise.



Accompanist – Lynette R./Jenny E.  Candle Lighter –

Sound – Jason B.                             Computer – Jacob I.



NEXT SUNDAY – December 8, 2019

Accompanist – Donna E                     Computer – Calli J.

Sound – Jacob I.                                Candlelighter – Raelyn P.





NEXT SUNDAY – Deacons Meeting @ 2pm


NEXT SUNDAY – Christmas Tea @ 3pm  - The church is hosting a Christmas Tea for those church members at Brookdale Liberal Springs.  The Tea will be held at the church this year.  All are welcome.





THANK YOU – Thank you so much for helping us each year by providing See You At the Pole with drinks for all who attend.  Your act of service means a lot to us, and we appreciate you all so much. - Thank you.  - Turpin FCA


PECANS!!  The pecans are in and available for pickup.  They are in the kitchen.  Please check  mark your name next to the sign up list to let us know that picked yours up.  They are $10 for pieces and $11 for halve.  Please see Lynette Regier if you have questions.


ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING – The Turpin Mennonite Church annual business meeting will be on Sunday, January 19, 2020 following a carry-in dinner.  Please give committee annual reports to Jean Regier by Dec. 31, 2019; either by email or church mailbox.  If there are changes in addresses or phone numbers on the membership list, please give those to Kitty Plett by email or church mail box – Thank you TMC Council


SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED!   The education committee is searching for Winter Sunday School teachers for the grade school and for the High School.  If you are interested please see Kitty Plett or Kayla James.


Please remember the following in your prayers:

Carolee Nickel                 Grace Martinez

Barbara Trahern                Twila Boyd

Brandi Williams                Janice Gowens

Kalina Simpson                 Randy Parr

Shirley Eggers                   Rebekah York – Mission Partner

Cale Morris                       Arline Unruh

Caregivers                        Paula Schmidt

Pastoral Search Committee

Bailey Ann Peters Birthday Today

Florence Regier Birthday Saturday


PRAYER CHAIN:  If you would like to put a friend on the

prayer chain, please get permission from that person or a family

member to do so and then contact a deacon.


CASSETTE RECORDINGS of worship services will be done if

you request it ahead of time from the Sound Person or Pastor.

A cassette player will be available to play the cassette tape.




You are invited to stay and attend one of the Sunday school classes listed below following the worship service and refreshments provided in the Fellowship Hall!


Primary Class:  Teacher – Brandi Parker

Study: Hands On Bible


Jr.  High Youth Class:  Teacher –   Jean Regier

Study: The Armor of God


Sr. High Youth Class:  Teacher -  Tony James

Study: World Religions vs. Faith in Christ


Women’s Class: (Brown Room)  Teacher – Shared

Study:  Year of the Bible


Adult Class: (Green Room)   Teacher – George Kroeker

Study:  Honoring God


Kitchen Class: (Kitchen)   Informal Conversation.


Winter Sunday School Offering will be going towards the Stepping Stone Shelter.