Worship – 9:30 a.m.    S.S. – 10:45 a.m.

Pastor - Terry Rediger

Office (580) 259-6440

Pastor Cell (580) 528-1990

Parsonage (580) 259-6439




March 24, 2019


When we become weary from things that don’t satisfy,

God pours out life giving words.



*HYMN & CANDLELIGHTING –  Lord Jesus I Long…...…MH 583

SCRIPTURE –  John 2:13-21


SONG – Spirit of the Living God……………….….Red Chorus Book 83



HYMN – I Heard The Voice of Jesus……………….………..…...MH 231

SHARING OF TITHES……………………………….…Trustee Fund


Prayer of Thanks



*CLOSING HYMN – Have Thine Own Way Lord..…………....SLS 29


BENEDICTON SONG – The Lord Lift You Up…………..…...Screen

* Those comfortable standing please rise.


Accompanists – Lynette Regier

Candle Lighter – Aaron James

Sound – Alan Hodges                 Computer – Dori Loepp



NEXT SUNDAY – March 31, 2019

Accompanist – Video Songs       Sound – Randy Becker

Computer – Terry/Jason             Candlelighter – Ella Veenstra

Praise & Inspiration – Brad & Lana Evans

Offering –  Fellowship of Christian Athletes





Today, 11:30 – 1:30.  The Turpin Cheerleaders are having a fundraiser dinner at the School Cafteria.  They will be serving Mexican Pile-Up and desserts.  They are raising money for their state championship rings.


Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.  Church Council Meeting.


Next Sunday, 12:00 noon.  Deacons Meeting.


Next Sunday, 6:00 p.m.  Turpin Community 5th Sunday Sing at Turpin Baptist Church.  Come enjoy good music, great

fellowship, and delicious refreshments





NEXT SUNDAY,  You will be asked to affirm Alan Regier for

the office of Deacon for a 3 year term.


BRIDAL SHOWER honoring Mindy Headrick, bride elect of Barret Hoffman, on Saturday, April 6, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m., at Turpin Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.  They are registered at The Pottery Barn, Pampered Chef, and Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


MAUNDY THURSDAY Service April 18, 6:00 p.m..


TURPIN COMMUNITY SUNRISE SERVICE on April 21 at George and Shirley Kroeker’s residence.  Bring a finger food item for breakfast to share.  Donations will be received for the Ministerial Alliance.


CHILDREN’S EASTER EGG HUNT Easter Sunday morning.  Each household is asked to bring one dozen filled Easter Eggs.


SIGN UP SHEET on the bulletin board if you want to order Easter lilies or Spring flowers for Easter Sunday.Please note if the flowers are in honor of someone. Cost will be determined shortly.


MCC INTERNATIONAL BIKE TO CHURCH SUNDAY will be on April 28th.  Those who can, plan to come to church with other than normal transportation means. We will be collecting donations for an MCC International Education project.


Please remember the following in your prayers:

Carolee Nickel                 Grace Martinez

Barbara Trahern                Twila Boyd

Brandi Williams                Janice Gowens

John McCarthy                 Juanita Machado.

Dee McVay                       Shirley Eggers

Kalina Simpson                Caregivers

Loren & Kitty Plett anniversary Today.

Franz & Connie Friesen anniversary Today.

Dennis Loepp birthday Monday.

Emmi Parsons birthday Tuesday.


SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERINGS  for the March through May quarter will be to be to help sponsor the Turpin End of School Play Day by providing bottled water and T-shirts for the Pre-Kindergarten - 6th grade children.  If we raise $200.00 we can have our church name printed on the back of the T-shirts!


YOUTH ages 15-22 can join a team of peers to explore and engage in the movement of God in Peru, Benin, and Indonesia through Youth Venture.  Openings still available for trips in July.  See MenoniteMission.Net/YouthVenture or contact Lauren at 574-523-3022.  Application deadline by April 1.


CASSETTE RECORDINGS of worship services will be done if

you request it ahead of time from the Sound Person or Pastor.

A cassette player will be available to play the cassette tape.


PRAYER CHAIN:  If you would like to put a friend on the

prayer chain, please get permission from that person or a family

member to do so.


THE MUSIC COMMITTEE has made a schedule for Praise &

Inspiration for the year and it includes each family once during

the year.  If you can’t do it when you are scheduled please trade

with someone, or if you prefer not to participate let a music

committee member know……...Florence, Paula, Jerilee.

A schedule has been put in your mailbox and one is posted on the

bulletin board.